Crooked Bend's Last Resort Blend food plot seed mix is a supreme combination of five cereal grains that provide a quality food source for a wide variety of birds and animals. The mixture of seeds consists of cereal grain rye berries, red field winter wheat, winter triticale, barley, and defender oats, and also includes cover crops and roots that promote healthy soil. These seeds are specifically designed to attract doves, turkeys, pheasants, ducks, waterfowl, and whitetails, making it a valuable resource for hunters and nature enthusiasts alike. This quick-growing annual mix is designed to be planted in early spring for summer food plots, or it can be sown in late summer and will sprout into a fall time honey hole crop that will be ready in November. The seeds can be planted directly into existing summer and spring food plots, such as soybeans, radishes, peas, sorghum, turnips, sugar beets, lablab, brassica, sunflowers, and buckwheat. This makes it a perfect fix and redemption for previously failed food plots, even very late into the cold growing season in the frigid north. One of the unique features of this seed mix is its ability to lure out and harvest big game animals like white tail deer, allowing hunters to bring in a hit list trophy buck out of his oak woods domain and into the open near a hunt stand or bow hunting tower blind. This mix is also great to use in areas where the use of raw carrots, apple mineral blocks, salt lick blocks, corn feeders, pellet feeder machines, acorn feed pellets, and other deer bait is not allowed. The sprouted plant greens provide minerals and protein that can greatly influence antler, tine, rack, and overall antler growth, making it a valuable resource for hunters looking to maximize the potential of their hunting prey. This high-quality seed is easily sown in a variety of soil types, including clay, rock, and sandy soil, using a variety of planting techniques such as no till, throw and grow, no sweat, no plow, smoother and smash, or any traditional farm seeding method via tiller, disc plow, row planter tools, harrow drag, hand spreader, ATV attachments, and other heavy tractor equipment. One 8-pound bucket of this mix will plant approximately 1,742 square feet of food plot sowing area. It is intended to be used in rotational planting with Crooked Bend's Smash Wheat Blend, Basic Buck Blend, and Branson's Buffalo Blend, providing a diverse and nutritious food source throughout the year. Planting food plots is a great outdoor activity for families and kids, and Crooked Bend is proud to be an all-American institute located in Michigan. Whether you are a hunter looking to attract and harvest big game animals or a nature enthusiast looking to create a diverse and healthy ecosystem, Crooked Bend's Last Resort Blend is the perfect seed mix for you!