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Attract big buck to your bow hunting blind

How to attract whitetail bucks

Crooked Bend Dec 13, 2022

Big white-tailed bucks can be a beautiful and majestic sight, but they can also be elusive and difficult to keep on your property. If you want to attract and retain these magnificent animals, there are a few things you can do.

First, it's important to provide the right habitat for the deer. White-tailed bucks need a mix of open space for feeding, bedding areas for resting, and cover for protection. Planting a variety of native plants and trees can provide the food and shelter they need. Consider planting apple trees, clover, and other plants that deer like to eat.

Growing food plots is a great way to attract deer to your property. This can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience, as well as a way to help support local wildlife. The key to attracting deer to your property is to grow plants that they like to eat. Some popular options for food plots include various types of beans, corn, and clover. One important consideration when choosing what to plant to sow is the season. Different plants have different growing seasons, so it's important to choose plants that will be ready to eat at the times when deer are most active on your property. For example, if you live in an area with cold winters, you may want to plant a winter-hardy variety of clover that will be ready to eat when other food sources are scarce.

Next, consider implementing some hunting management practices. This can include setting limits on the number of bucks that can be harvested, implementing antler restrictions, and practicing quality deer management. By controlling the harvest, you can help ensure that there are enough big bucks on your property to keep the population healthy.

You can also provide supplemental food for the deer during times of stress, such as during the winter or during droughts. This can help keep the deer on your property and prevent them from wandering off in search of food. Be sure to use feeders that are designed to prevent waste and keep the deer from becoming dependent on human-provided food.

Finally, it's important to limit human disturbance on your property. White-tailed deer are naturally wary of humans, and too much human activity can cause them to leave your property. Try to minimize the amount of noise and traffic on your land, and avoid using strong-smelling products that can deter the deer.

By providing the right habitat, implementing hunting management practices, providing supplemental food, and limiting human disturbance, you can help attract and retain big white-tailed bucks on your property. These magnificent animals can provide enjoyment for you and your family, and can also play a valuable role in the ecosystem.

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