11076 Norman Rd., Brockway, Michigan, 48097, USA +1-737-366-3756 contact@crooked-bend.com


Crooked Bend Jul 8, 2020

Rise-up Polli-Nation

There is nothing like pollinators to kick start the fruiting process and promote growth of beneficial foliage. This article talks about the benefits that butterflies and bumble bees can have on your deer food plots.

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Crooked Bend May 24, 2020

It’s Not A Ploy, Plant That Soy Bean

Planting a soybean based mix in your deer food plots in the spring/summer is a great way to ensure that you deer herd and wildlife have a incredible food source all year long. This high protein food source will help with early fawn development as the soy bean is amazing forage for nursing does. Spring plots also provide the nutrients needed to aid in growing big deer come fall hunting!

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Crooked Bend May 15, 2020

Embrace the Earthworm

Earthworms are one of the most underestimated work forces in a deer food plot. These creatures work tirelessly on improving soil health, which results in better growing food plots. The best part is that they all work for free! Keep the earthworms in mind as you prepare your food plots this growing season!

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Crooked Bend Feb 17, 2020

How to Frost Seed Clover

Clover can be one of the most beneficial plants to soil health, so plant it early in order to have it around all season. By frost seeding your clover in late winter or early spring you will get a head start on the food plot game. Along with aiding in nitrogen fixation the clover will also act and an armor of the soil, helping to prevent soil erosion, lowering soil temperature and helps in holding soiling moisture.

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Crooked Bend Jul 28, 2019

How to Grow a Bransons Buffalo Blend Food Plot

Follow this step-by-step guide to grow the best deer food plots that you have ever planted. When planted according to these instructions, Branson's Buffalo Blend will feed your whitetail deer, turkey, pheasants, doves, quail and other wild game animals from early fall thru early spring. These planting techniques can be used with any no till food plot seeds.

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